Thursday, September 8, 2011

Top Ten Brainstorm

       I was really stuck on what I wanted to make my Top Ten list to be. I finally thought of three that I believe I can really write a paper on. I have narrowed it down to top ten reasons servers hate their guest, top ten things to put on your "Bucket List", and top ten things high school students should do before they graduate. I chose the "Bucket List" top ten because I believe some things are a "must do." An example of what I would have on my "Bucket List" would be getting married and have children. Children completely alter lives and keep your life unpredictable. Also, I work in a restaurant and I understand the issues a guest can cause. Top ten reasons servers hate their guest would be a very relateable topic for most college students. My last top ten list consists of High School students and what they should do before they graduate. High School is a very crazy time for teenagers there is a lot changing and going. There are somethings in High School teenagers should not miss out on while they are young. I'm still on the fence on what I would like to write my essay on. More than likely I will chose the top ten reasons servers hate their guest because there is a few thing people should know about servers before they go into a restaurant.

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